The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

The thing that really stands out about the entire Lord of the Rings series, at least for me, is the fact that despite all the cliche, grand and hero-like dialogue, everything seems natural. Oftentimes when movies resort to such dialogue I am turned off, since no one speaks in such a manner. However, the long monologues about courage and flashbacks to past conversations work well in Lord of the Rings, and in fact are part and parcel of the world brought to life by Peter Jackson. Just as in every other aspect of the movie, all the small nitpicks you would normally have are cast aside as the world is so realistic that you cannot help but embrace every part of it.

Something else I appreciate about this series, especially in Return of the King, is how absorbed I am during the battle sequences. Though I appreciate a good battle scene, during a movie I usually lose interest during action sequences as they do little to advance the plot. However, in Return of the King, the action is so visceral and the stakes so high that you are instantly drawn into the scene. You lose your breath when you see armies charging down hills, and get anxious when your favorite characters fight against powerful villains. Everything is so intense, and it is impossible to shift your eyes from the screen.

The Return of the King ends the Lord of the Rings trilogy on a high note. In three epic movies Peter Jackson has created the ultimate world to explore, and fans will come back to visit for many generations to come.

Grade: A+

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